Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Create Simple Worksheet

1- Open Microsoft Excel
2- Click on File menu and then click on New

- A New window will appear on the right side of the screen, click on simple worksheet.

Selecting Cells
You just click on the cell to select it

A Cell is a Intersection of a column and row, you must select a cell to work with it. A range is selection of one or more then one selected cells. You can edit, delete format, use formula just like a singe cell. The active cell has black border, As you select a cell or range its range reference is shown in the name box

Formatting Cells

1- Select Cell which you want to format and then right click on that cell and then Format option.
Select Cell which you want to format and then select Format menu above and click on Cells.
Select Cell and simple press Ctrl+1 Keys

2- A window will appear at front of you:-

You can see different tabs on this window which are explain as under:-

Number Tab: In number tab you can select category of cell for which purpose you want to use the cell.

Alignment: You can set horizontal, vertical alignment in this option. Text control is also available in this option.

Wrap text: If you want text to appear on multiple lines in a cell, you can format the cell so that text wraps automatically, or you can enter a manual line break.
Shrink to Fit: By selecting this option text will shrink in a single cell.
Merge Cell: A single cell that is created by combining two or more selected cells

Font: You can change font size, font style, underline, bold font and add effects.
Border: Border tab is use to draw border outside the cell.
Patterns: Use to add colors in the cells

Other Options in Format Menu:-
Click on Format Menu you will see following options in this menu. These option are explain as under

Rows: This option is use to set height, hide, unhide cell.
Column: This option is use to set width, height of a column
Sheet: This option is use to rename worksheet on which you are working, change background of the sheet. Hide and Auto format option is also available( Select number of cells and use auto option format)
Style: Different currency and other styles are available in this option.

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